Видео маппинг, видео перформансы

Resolume into Millumin


Let's see how to get the output of Resolume into Millumin. You'll see, it easy :

  1. Launch Resolume and start a media, so the output isn't a stupid black frame !
  2. Go to Resolume'effects and look for the "Syphon Server" effect.

    If you don't find it, download the 'FreeFrame GL' plugin from Syphon website.

    Then install the files in the folder '/Applications/Resolume/plugins/vfx'.

    Don't forget to restart Resolume !
  3. Now, drag-and-drop the "Syphon Server" effect into your composition.
  4. From the menubar, click on "Layer" -> "New Syphon Layer".

  5. And here is the result :

       If you end up with a white frame : don't worry !
    There is a bug in Syphon Beta 2 and some graphic cards are not supported.
    Please download and install the Beta 1 instead.
  6. Keep in mind that the background of the Syphon input is transparent,
    so you could play with it as well !

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